Let’s say tonight was the first night in a long time that I
improvised to my potential. If we
believe that this is true, surely it wouldn’t be difficult to assume that I
felt quite satisfied by the experience.
Looking back, I agree with all the choices I made during various moments
in scenes in the show and am certain the result was fun for everyone involved. One could presume arrogance on my part, but
that one would be a fool for I am honorable and what I speak is truth. A hey o na na nay. Teaching improv over the years has shown me
that people respond and grow more quickly when positively encouraged. Teaching with the cans and wills and the does,
man. i'Takes patience, lord; it feels easy
and natural to incline toward the negative, but turning your energy toward the
positive is truly worth the mental struggle it takes to overcome a negative mental
space and more – embrace confidence and temper it with objectivity.
oooooo Hay ah ah oo oh, Hai ah ah oo oh, Hai ah ah oo oh, Hay! oooaah
oooooo Hay ah ah oo oh, Hai ah ah oo oh, Hai ah ah oo oh, Hay! oooaah
After this short paragraph of pertinent and valuable information,
please watch the video of the show and then read the rest of my blog post to be
“in on the post show notes”. For the sake of clarity in those, by the way, we’ll
call the players MO, TT, KL, KE, SU, ML, TG. I’ll describe the moments now just
before the camera was turned on and the video starts. Make sure to turn the lights
off and the sound up, you silly gooseberry! This video is our 40ish minute free form Harold type thing, which was open
to player’s choice edits. We played to a house of 90 or so at the UpFront and after an
intermission and a rockin’ Satellite set, which put on a performance that
yielded plenty of earnest post-show compliments, we took the stage to a lively crowd. Lively in a good way, not like… talkative lively. Anydamn,
TG got us the suggestion of Beard and
we began from a blackout. I chose to just stay standing in my line spot as the
lights went down because I wanted to greet the first scene as the sun rose - KE
almost ran into me but he didn’t cuz we are black out pros.
Post show notes: (hypothetically)
“Great show guys!”
“That was a lot of fun, people.”
“Nothing wrong with having a great show now and again!”
“If you leave here craving notes or information from me
because I’m your artistic director, know this: if you crave growth you should evaluate your own play, every choice if you want, and consider alternate options and how they would have altered the outcome of the scene. Reconsider each decision made during the show, which most fucking certainly includes the choice to go on to the
stage and the choice to stay off of the stage. Those one are important, mates. And
decide for yourself, ‘did your choices have the impact on the scene that you
thought them capable of having done?’ and ‘was my line received by my scene
partner the way I intended it to be?’ Upon consideration of your answers to the
previously mentioned questions, was the impulse that led you to make the decision
in questche a good one or a bad one?
Answer with honor! Deal with how you feel about the result of the last question!"
oooooo A heyo na na ney, I heyo nah nah heyyo nah nah new,
hayo nanna new. wwwww
Love you,
Dilby kjvhp
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